2020 Meeting Minutes
"We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children"
-Native American Proverb
The Adopt -A-Roadway Program is a volunteer litter prevention program for county roads. Similar to the Michigan Department of Transportation’s Adopt-A-Highway Program which focuses solely on state highways and interstates, the County’s program encourages local civic organizations, beautification, fraternal and business groups to adopt a mile of county and/or township roadways.
To participate in the program, an organization must be willing to pick up litter at least two times a year and provide adult supervision for youth groups that participate in cleanups.
Other responsibilities of a participating organization are also available on our website www.lcrc-roads.com. These guidelines are in place to protect the volunteer organization.
All an organization needs to get started is volunteers who are in good physical shape, responsible and interested in helping keep Lake County clean.